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A "cookie" is a text file saved on the user's computer when he accesses a website with the purpose of providing information each time the user returns to the same site. It is a sort of reminder of the visited internet page. With the cookie, the web server sends information to the user's browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, etc.) stored on the latter's computer, and will be read and updated each time the user returns to the site. In this way the website can automatically adapt to the user. During navigation, the user could also receive cookies from different sites on his terminal ("third-party" cookies), set directly by the operators of said websites and used for the purposes and according to the methods defined by them. Depending on their duration, they are divided into session cookies (i.e. temporary cookies that are automatically deleted from the terminal at the end of the browsing session by closing the browser) and persistent cookies (i.e. those that remain stored on the terminal until they expire or are canceled by the user). Based on the function and purpose of use, cookies can be divided into technical cookies and profiling cookies.
Some cookies are used to perform computer authentication, session monitoring and storage of specific information on users who access a web page. These so-called technical cookies are often useful for allowing you to browse a website and use all its features. Technical cookies are those whose use does not require the user's consent. Analytics cookies also belong to this category. These are cookies that collect information about the use that a user makes of a website and that allow it to improve its functioning. For example, analytics cookies show which pages are most frequently visited, allow you to check which are the recurring patterns of use of a website and help you understand every difficulty that the user encounters in using it.
Other cookies can instead be used to monitor and profile users while browsing, study their movements and web consultation or consumption habits (what they buy, what they read, etc.), also for the purpose of sending advertising of targeted services and customized. In this case we speak of profiling cookies. The use of these cookies requires the prior acquisition of the user's free informed consent pursuant to art. 7 of EU Regulation 2016/679.
It may also happen that a web page contains cookies from other sites and contained in various elements hosted on the page itself, such as, for example, advertising banners, images, videos, maps or specific links to web pages of other domains that reside on servers other than the one on which the requested page is located. In other words, these cookies are set directly by website or server managers other than this website. In these cases we are talking about the so-called third-party cookies, which are usually used for profiling purposes. The use of these cookies requires the prior acquisition of the user's free informed consent.
The main functions of the cookies installed by www.bancifirenze.com are technical, they are used to constantly improve the Service, for authentication, for statistical purposes, such as counting visits to the site. The use of cookies is therefore strictly aimed at facilitating the functions of the server while browsing the Service. The site also allows the sending of the following third-party cookies. These cookies are not tools of our ownership, for more information, therefore, it is possible to access the information and the forms for acquiring the consent of the third parties, by clicking on the links shown. To improve the website and understand which parts or elements are most appreciated by users, third-party cookies from Google Analytics are used as an anonymous and aggregate analysis tool. These cookies are not tools of our ownership, for more information, therefore, you can consult the information provided by Google. The website pages incorporate some Facebook and Google Plus sharing widgets and buttons, to allow the user to share the website contents on their own social channels, and to interact with our channels. These cookies are not tools of our ownership, but are created respectively by Facebook and Google when you use the respective widget or share button. To find out more, visit the following information pages: Facebook and Google. Some web pages incorporate YouTube video content within them. By visiting a page containing a video, or clicking to view the video, cookies from YouTube may be recalled. These cookies are not tools of our ownership. To find out more, visit the Google information page. The website may use the Facebook ADS programs managed by Facebook Inc., Google Adwords and Google Remarketing technology, managed by Google Inc. The Facebook ADS and AdWords conversion tracking function also uses cookies to help us keep track of sales and other conversions.
The user can manage his own preferences relating to cookies through the functions present in common browsers which allow him to cancel/remove cookies (all or some) or to change the settings of the browser itself in order to block the sending of cookies or restrict it to specific sites (versus others). Therefore it is possible to deny the use of cookies, following the disabling procedure provided by your browser. The methods proposed by the main browsers are shown below: Microsoft Windows Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Google Analytics by downloading a specific browser plug-in. The www.bancifirenze.com site also incorporates plugins and/or commands for social networks, in order to allow easy sharing of content on your favorite social networks. These plugins are programmed so as not to set any cookies when accessing the page, to safeguard user privacy. Eventually cookies are set, if so provided by social networks, only when the user makes effective and voluntary use of the plugin. Keep in mind that if the user browses being logged into the social network then he has already consented to the use of cookies conveyed through this site when registering with the social network.
This privacy policy may undergo changes over time - also connected to the possible entry into force of new sector regulations, the updating or provision of new services or technological innovations - for which the user / visitor is invited to consult periodically This Page.
Banci Firenze S.r.l. - Via Amilcare Ponchielli, 27 - 50018 Scandicci (FI) Italy - creator and manager of the e-commerce www.bancifirenze.com, reserves the right to use personal data, voluntarily provided by Users, in compliance with current regulations (art. 13 and subsequent Legislative Decree 196/2003).
Users are invited to visit this section to be updated on changes relating to any changes to the current legislation in this regard.
Lo studio del lettering che si unisce a complementi d'arredo di lusso per creare qualcosa di unico ed irripetibile.
La collezione TXT deSIGN, è completamente personalizzabile per realizzare tavoli da cucina, scrivanie per uffici o front offices, tavolini da fumo e molto altro, per chi è alla ricerca di un arredo concepito come espressione di se stessi.
Lettere e simboli in ferro, base stabile per il vostro complemento, uniti a vetro trasparente per mostrare a tutti
il vostro pezzo unico.
Una rivoluzione nell'ambito dei complementi d'arredo di lusso.
Personalizzate ed acquistate i nostri complementi d'arredo italiani esclusivi; tavoli da pranzo, tavolini da caffè, scrivanie e sedie, side tables per zona living sapientemente realizzati da mani di esperti artigiani che da oltre un secolo sono l'anima della nostra azienda e vanto internazionale.
Entrate nella visione di TXT deSIGN e realizzate il vostro complemento d'arredo interamente come lo desiderate, per far passare il messaggio che volete. Realizzate un meraviglioso tavolo grande con uno slogan per la vostra azienda, oppure un tavolino da caffè per la vostra struttura ricettiva o per il vostro ristorante. Se invece desiderate creare qualcosa di unico per il vostro spazio domestico, realizzate tavoli da pranzo con lettere e parole per far sentire speciale voi ed i vostri ospiti.
Dallo schizzo alla realizzazione
Insieme al nostro Team di designers ed artigiani daremo vita al complemento d'arredo TXT deSIGN perfetto per ogni vostra esigenza. Partendo dallo schizzo, fino alla lavorazione nella nostra sede di produzione interamente fiorentina.
Ogni richiesta verrà studiata con cura, per raggiungere il prodotto finale perfetto, maestoso e con carattere per il quale siete alla ricerca.
Dal lettering, alla colorazione, alla scelta del vetro d'appoggio, tutto è modificabile e personalizzabile per allinearsi con l'arredamento del vostro spazio.
Un prodotto unico che sarà realizzato unicamente per voi secondo le vostre necessità, seguendo la visione Banci di creare qualcosa che non sia solo un complemento d'arredo di lusso destinato a svolgere la sua funzione, ma anche un oggetto puramente di design che arricchirà il vostro ambiente e che catturerà gli sguardi di chiunque.
Per maggiori informazioni non esitate a contattarci